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So weekly

The place to be for the most outstanding publications, astonishing awards and the latest novelties about the brands we represent as well as our agency, that’s our So weekly in a nutshell.

So Presents: HOFF

Remember that feeling when you meet someone and just instantly click? Sometimes we find a connection...
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A spoonful of love

A spoonful of love In times like these one longs for a warm embrace and when that is not always poss...
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This is SET

This is SET – a German brand that consists of authentic styles designed for powerful urban ind...
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So TikTok

With TikTok quickly becoming the social media platform of the moment (recent statistics shows that t...
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Love from us at So PR

And when your body has become still, reach out with your heart. Know that we are connected in ways t...
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So PR - Public Relations and Communication Agency - Amsterdam