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Case: Steve Madden @ Milkshake Festival  [Brand awareness]


‘For All Who Love’ is the epitome of Milkshake’s image and describes the ambiance of the smashing previous editions. Milkshake is a dance festival that was born 
from the thought that ‘everything is possible’ and shows that entertainment, music choice, choice of clothing, and status have nothing to do with sexuality. Milkshake celebrates diversity! 

Steve Madden also embraces diversity and inclusivity. The label is for all people regardless of background, ethnicity, gender, lifestyle, or belief system. Steve Madden believes that everyone has the right to express their beautiful self and that is why the brand has collections for everyone in sizes 42-45, that scream inclusivity and acceptance. This a collection for everyone: men who want to wear something different than sneakers, but also women and those with a larger size who are looking for a range of options, without having to go to a specialist store with a limited number of showstoppers. 

The Heel of Fortune!

In the middle of the Milkshake field, a Steve Madden eye-catcher is shining brightly: the Heel of Fortune. Milkshakers could spin the wheel ‘The heel of fortune’ and win their own Steve Madden heels or bags! In addition, they could also win other nice Steve Madden goodies.  The objective of this collaboration between Milkshake and Steve Madden was to create a close community of people who embrace diversity and to increase brand awareness.
To reach a broader audience for this perfect match, we invited a group of the Steve Madden community to Milkshake festival. In total, the 6 talents had an online reach of 1.4 million. The collaboration was a big success! The influencers had the time of their lives, the Milkshakers won fun prizes, and Steve Madden gained a well-deserved online presence.  

To sum up, this collaboration resulted in a total gained PR value of 75.000 EUR, all in return for some tickets and Steve Madden shoes. The results: 33 Instagram stories, 1 Instagram post, 1 TikTok video

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So PR - Public Relations and Communication Agency - Amsterdam